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Заявки на обратный выкуп акций «ВТБ 24» направило более 50 процентов миноритариев. По состоянию на 14.00 мск 26 марта банк принял 47 530 заявок.

Наибольшее число заявок поступило от миноритариев из Москвы и Московской области  — 19 957 заявок, из Приволжского и Северо-Западного федеральных округов  — 6741 и 6682 заявки соответственно, передает РБК.

Напомним, что 12 марта 2012 года начался прием банком ВТБ заявок на обратный выкуп акций у миноритарных акционеров ВТБ. Окончание приема заявок запланировано на 13 апреля 2012 года. С 16 по 30 апреля 2012 года будет производиться зачисление денежных средств на счета акционеров, продавших свои пакеты.

По подсчетам банка, ВТБ потратит на обратный выкуп акций у миноритарных акционеров около 13 млрд рублей.  Обратный выкуп акций производится банком после того, как премьер-министр РФ Владимир Путин 2 февраля поручил главе ВТБ «проработать» этот вопрос.

В ходе IPO в 2007 году инвесторы приобретали акции банка ВТБ по 13,6 копейки. Однако во время кризиса, начавшегося через год после размещения, котировки банка упали до трех копеек за акцию, а за два последующих года смогли вырасти лишь до уровня семи копеек за акцию.

26 марта 2012
  • 26 марта 2012, 23:11
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The main difference relating to the skateboards in which first hit britain and those being exercised now is the condition of skill how the riders dream to from viewing professionals involved in the X-Games and also other extreme professional skateboarding championships worldwide. We are generally finally finding and catching up. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.alluggbootsstore.com/ »>ugg boots storte</a></strong>Fantastic! Ask just about any self-respecting teen who Tony a2z Hawks is so they won? t say he will be the bloke off of the insurance listing but more a contemporary god involving professional extreme sports. Associated with the hottest reselling games to the various types of gaming controllers are those with the man himself along with titles this involve skateboarding. His collection of skateboarding equipment is, of course, highly coveted by skateboarders the ones who work with aggressive skates, much too. <br />
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Aggressive skating is furthermore taking great britain by attack. The days of people dodgy roller skates through four wheels you had to batten red secure over your own trainers or pumps, like they were and then, are over. They ended up replaced by simply roller shoes. <strong><a href=«http://www.alluggbootsstore.com/ »>ugg storte</a></strong>Those ended up big in your 70? ′s and 50? s while roller discos and rearfoot warmers were widespread. Roller mower blades then did start to become favorite. These were being recreational inline skates which may have retained much the same style ever since. Now, aggressive skates are popular for people who want to perform tricks. What contains changed dramatically will be aggressive kind of skating plus the ever ambitious tricks that the professional skaters accomplish. <br />
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During the past, when people pondered black boots and shoes they seriously considered formalwear. Effectively, that′s don′t the instance. These days, many running sneakers are dark colored. It′s challenging to calculate popular trends or demonstrate them, but eventually professional some athletes started moving from white colored shoes to be able to black boots or shoes. <strong><a href=«http://www.alluggbootsstore.com/ugg-broome-boots-c-85.html »>ugg broome boots</a></strong>Soccer players are already wearing dark colored sneakers for years. Football participants and softball players in the near future followed fit with. But them wasn′t right until professional basketball game players started out wearing ebony sneakers the trend really caught campfire. Now it is usually hard to find white trainers. Some some athletes think dark colored shoes cause you to be look similar to you′re changing faster. Others point out more simple reasons. Black shoes don′t exhibit dirt as well as scuffs just as much as light shaded shoes undertake. <strong><a href=«http://www.alluggbootsstore.com/ugg-langley-boots-c-70.html »>discount ugg langley boots</a></strong>Popular fashion does follow the actual lead with the elite and athletic shoes buyers happen to be no varied. Once the pros started doing it, the people followed. Black shoes match almost any color and work efficiently in several environments. Black basketball game shoes look in the same way good using blue jeans as they do with some polyester fine mesh basketball pants. Women sportsmen are dressed in black boots and shoes, too. <br />
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Remember to invest in some shoe polish for your personal black elegant shoes. This will likely keep these folks shiny plus in good condition. <br />
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The way to Hang Ones Mini Blind<br />
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After the brackets are typically place, pick in the mini blind so that the wand is left side and therefore the lift twine is about the right part. The smaller blinds ought to slide into invest the brackets near the top of the home window. <br />
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Meant for colors, the azures not to mention turquoise pastels have evolved for you to deep teals as well as deep browns together with rusts by means of burnt red and ginger accessories are has to haves and other nature colorations. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.kissuggboots.org/ »>Ugg Boots Online</a></strong><br />
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<div id=«productDescription» class=«productGeneral biggerText »><p><strong>Christian Louboutin Ariella Clou Silver Studded Purple</strong></p><p>When I see them,I can not image the ability of their designer. I want to say that as a fashionable lady must say &quot;thanks&quot;to the designer.Did you think that?The artwork like the star of sky,uniform embellish the appearance of Christian Louboutin Ariella Clou Silver Studded Purple.</p><p>Product features:<br />high quality leather <br />zipper back closure<br />rivet leather lining<br />5&quot; Patent covered heel<br />shoe box and dust bag</p><p>We provide the best and convenience service.Besides,we will give you reasonable price.We wait you contact us.Christian Louboutin Ariella Clou Silver Studded Purple is a priceless treasure for you.</p></div>

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<h1 id=»productName« class=»productGeneral «>Womens White Ralph Lauren Smooth Cotton Stripe Shirt</h1>

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<span class=»normalprice «>$219.98 </span>&nbsp;<span class=»productSpecialPrice «>$109.99</span><span class=»productPriceDiscount «><br />Save:&nbsp;50% off</span></span>


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<div id=»productDescription« class=»productGeneral biggerText «><p><p>It′s a classic oxford shirt tailored for a slim, feminine fit. <br>It has button-down collar, Barrel cuffs, shirttail hem. <br>There is an embroidered »Ralph Lauren Crown« signature accents the left chest. <br>Split back yoke for a smooth, contoured shoulder. <br>Material: 100% cotton. <br>Washing Mode: Machine washable. </p></p></div>

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<li>Model: Model: Womens-Shirts-111</li>

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Before you choose a the game of golf bag you must know exactly how plan to try it. Are you gonna be using it again while riding over a cart? Are you gonna be carrying that while walks, or are you gonna be pushing it on the handcart? Knowing typically the answers to make sure you these questions will let you select the proper size as well as weight. <br />
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Cart Tennis Bags are designed by a large number of manufacturers. A lot of the major makes include Nike, Datrek, Case Boy, Wilson, in addition to Ogio. <strong><a href=«http://www.nikefather.com/nike-shox-experience-mens-nike-shox-experience-c-71_72.html »>cheap mens nike shox experience</a></strong>They likewise come in a range of colors, sizing′s and weight load. They were created for the actual professional golfers in accordance with the amateur person golfer as their intended purpose. You will get them with all your favorite school or specialized sport team′s logos and tones. <br />
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Before choosing from any of the many varieties available here are a few things take into consideration:<br />
The quantity of pockets are necessary to carry your complete gear? <br />
Is this strap shock absorbing and strong enough to please let me carry the actual bag in the right way? <br />
Once it′s fully stocked might it be light enough to hold for one round regarding golf? <br />
Will it be weatherproofed? <br />
If you propose to employ a pushcart does it have all the needed attachments? <br />
The quantity of club dividers are built in just for club business? <br />
Possibly there is a bad weather hood/cover bundled? <br />
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The weight of each and every type in bag may differ, most advisors weigh approximately six as well as nine and a half pounds, clear. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.nikefather.com/nike-shox-navina-c-74.html »>Cheap Nike Shoes for Sale</a></strong><br />
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The normal price you will definitely pay is different. But when you plan to pay out between $100 as well as $300 you will end up in that ballpark so that you can purchase the one that is top quality. It really is dependent upon should you prefer a «basic» the sport of golf bag, or one considering the bells and even whistles. They have options for example umbrella stands, ball holders, and bags that can actually have a six-pack cold. <br />
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Also look at manufactures manufacturer′s warranty. Each corporate entity′s warranty is different in time period and what exactly is actually covered in the event of any essential repairs. <br />
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Whether you′re a woman or man, beginner or perhaps veteran picking a a convey golf hand bags is tremendous. Just be sure that you really understand how you require it to function before you′ll select a single. . <br><br><a href=«http://blog.anotheruggboots.org»> Shoes blog </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.lovembtshoes.com»> Shoes </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.idiscoutgolf.com»> About nikefather.com blog </a>
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