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Российская футбольная премьер-лига сообщила на своем официальном сайте о завершении предварительной проверки «бананового инцидента» на матче 35-го тура «Локомотив» — «Анжи». Лига просит помощи в установлении личности хулигана.

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«Просим всех, кто был свидетелем броска банана в футболистов «Анжи», а также всех, кто знает данного гражданина или общался с ним в ходе матча, у кого имеются фото- или видеоматериалы с данным гражданином, связаться с руководителем рабочей группы, директором по безопасности РФПЛ Александром Мейтиным для уточнения деталей инцидента», — говорится в обращении на сайте РФПЛ.

Расследование показало, что хулиган вначале находился на секторе №12 стадиона в Черкизове, затем переместился в сектор «ВИП-1», откуда и бросил банан, передает Интерфакс.

23 марта 2012
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<div id=»productDescription« class=»productGeneral biggerText «><p><strong>Chanel Handbag 1119 White&Silver Chain</strong> is the luxurious brand around the world.Chanel brand style: elegant, simple, delicate, perfect, she is good at breaking through the traditional.Also let chanel brand outperform competition.<br>Name:<p><strong>Chanel Handbag 1119 White&Silver Chain</strong><br>Color:White&Silver Chain<br>Place of origin:France</p></div>

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For any casual look it is easy to go along with the ever widely used thong category sandals that will be popular along with the surfer market or your super sizzling «crocs» that can be a lightweight wear of the rubber including material. The latter feature a construction for anti-microbial and also odor protected material and even ergonomic Italian language styling. Like a bonus for everyone into boating in addition, they float could you get rid of them crazy. <strong><a href=«http://www.redchristianlouboutin.org/pumps-christian-louboutin-boots-sale-c-19.html »>Cheap Christian Louboutin Boots</a></strong>As far given that the traditional thong sandal or perhaps flip fall down, these are as well-liked as ever and are also being worn as well as on the beach still with virtually anything else from shorts to pants when fun to dinner in addition to a movie or simply a night on the town. My Personal Music NEW CD was among the largest successes on the history of your children′s audio industry. By composing CDs specifically aimed toward an unique child, the company surely could inspire along with make happy a total generation of children. <strong><a href=«http://www.redchristianlouboutin.org/pumps-christian-louboutin-evening-sale-c-21.html »>Discount Christian Louboutin Evening</a></strong>They performed this by way of grouping jointly CDs which happen to have between eight and some songs, each grouped as reported by an interest on the child, and they sometimes using a child′s name over the songs ourselves. And they made it happen via a musical score who was vibrant not to mention happy. Children beloved the audio and mothers and fathers loved a delight on the children′s hearts. <br />
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