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Воспитанники коррекционной школы-интерната в деревне Худанки Ленинградской области впали в кому, понюхав наркотик. Наркотики они нашли в кармане учителя, сообщил уполномоченный по правам человека в Ленинградской области Михаил Козьминых.

«Необходимо сделать так, чтобы подобная ситуация больше не повторилась. Закон сформулирован так, что работодатели могут никогда не узнать, что преподаватель наркозависим, — сейчас это врачебная тайна, диспансер не имеет права сообщать никому эту информацию. Но давайте разделять, этот человек работает с детьми или нет. Необходимо внесение изменений в трудовой кодекс с включением обязанности учителя один раз в полгода проверяться на психологическую устойчивость и наркозависимость. В случае отказа от сдачи анализов или подтверждения болезни дать право работодателям расторгать трудовые договоры», — говорит он.

Сейчас аппарат омбудсмена готовит предложения о соответствующих изменениях в законодательство для подачи их в Законодательное собрание Ленинградской области, передает «Российская газета».

Напомним, в феврале этого года двое воспитанников интерната в деревне Худанки 14 и 16 лет впали в кому, приняв наркотик, содержащий метадон. По факту произошедшего следственными органами СК РФ по Ленинградской области возбуждено уголовное дело по статье 228.1 Уголовного кодекса РФ. 

22 марта 2012
  • 23 марта 2012, 01:00
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Co-operate with the help of others on protection, and not reduce, or neglect, anything provided for use on your health, essential safety or wellbeing. <br />
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Your manager must advise you:<br />
About risks to all your protection from today′s or proposed working treatments. <br />
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Protection for your needs at succeed when important (such as clothing, trainers, eye not to mention ear safeguards, gloves, hides etc). <br />
Health checks style a chance of sad health caused by your give good results. <br />
Regular health and wellness checks any time you work nights including a check before commencing. <br />
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Those which ride with their cars because passengers within the Amtrak car or truck shipping trains will seek they get some good service in the act, too. The coach offers distinctive levels associated with sleeping accommodations, dining not to mention entertainment. <br />
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. Bring photograph ID in the train. This is important for getting your hands on your citation and retrieving your truck in the final analysis of that ride. <br />
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. Fully understand check-in desires. The trains make sure to leave by the due date on routine, so it`s extremely important to understand the occasions for check-in as well as other requirements upfront. If an individual miss typically the train, one miss that. <br />
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. Deactivate truck alarms. There`s almost nothing worse than only a long ride accompanied by a horn blaring the complete way! <br />
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Sometimes There′s no doubt that more people that do definitely not ride motorcycles wear most of these jackets pertaining to fashion compared with riders conduct for safety. I have noticed guys defined riding on the streets without helmets or perhaps jackets, the fact is they just weren′t even having on shoes. Obviously they may have not previously come off of or they′re just just simply stupid. <br />
<br />
In a number of countries in addition to states sporting a lid when operating is compulsory but dressed in protective clothing maybe a leather motorbike jacket is not really. Obviously this helmet could save lifestyles by preventing fatal face injuries plus clothes never but they do alleviate problems with permanent surgical marks and injuries which might become infected. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.nextboots.com/ »>ugg boots australia</a></strong><br />
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There are several styles in jackets which might be purchased pertaining to protection. You can get a incredibly basic to a totally padded model for sporting or out road traveling. You need a wide chosen colors at the moment including motifs from your favorite brand like Honda and also Yamaha one example is. If that you′re a Harley driver then merely black shall do for anyone. <br />
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I do have the knowledge expensive it′s always to get hold of a good bike and infrequently people do not possess enough money to shell out on good protective equipment to wear. But this absolutely should be contemplated and added within the budget just before purchase. Even when you start out by using a jacket from bottom belonging to the price range unless you can manage to pay for a more expensive version. In fact that a cheaper household leather motorcycle jacket is a lot more protection than none in anyway. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.nextboots.com/ »>ugg boot sale</a></strong><br />
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These outdoor jackets are versatile the way that you possibly can wear them while you′re not traveling your bike combined with when riding. They really are warm and intensely strong using. Yes they′re just expensive so which make it even a more suitable idea to put them on on / off the push bike. Another great idea and a jacket is usually leather operating pants alongside boots in addition to gloves. There are a great many positives for you to wearing such type of gear when compared to the negatives. <br />
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If one ride down road you will understand only also well how important this clothing is certainly. But if you happen to ride only on your way you would possibly not and at this point it can be just as important money so. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.nextboots.com/ »>ugg on sale</a></strong>You must forget approximately looking trendy and with regards to playing risk-free. In fact if you carry out it right you can expect to look great and engage in it safe and sound!It sounds hard to maintain with way trends in addition to fads. Find out how to know what is actually in? Find out how to know what is actually out? Find out how to keep the whole works straight? Where do you turn with any clothes which have been in your closet which might be now «officially» over? <br />
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Fashion invariably is an expensive thing to keep in place with. But without doubt, it′s imperative that you look some of our best mainly because that′s often muscle building feel much of our best. So find out how to stay hip while also keeping your capacity to pay affordable? <br />
<br />
The answer lies in owning some staples which can be timeless classics after which you can simply adding at a piece here or maybe a piece certainly, there that satisfy the modern trends of the day. Precisely what are some staples take into account? <br />
<br />
The black outfits, of study course, is a key staple. Some of great installing jeans. A fantastic pair about boots (either low-cut trekking books or simply cowboy shoes, depending on in your town and just what your attraction are). <strong><a href=«http://www.nextboots.com/ugg-adirondack-tall-boots-c-29.html »>UGG Adirondack Tall Boots</a></strong>Figure-complimenting t-shirts in a selection of colors. A effectively fitting pant accommodate or many other professional wear inside of a darker color choice. <br />
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All these, plus a number of clothes, are critical staples to be in every last closet. Now you have to create accessories to liven up those staples in addition to turn antique into popular. Midriff baring shirts are certainly fashionable at this moment. Scarves look an excellent option for both skilled and typical wearers. Camouflage can be big among the list of younger masses. And and here is one way item that is definitely often overlooked but appears to be like great as well as makes a good addition for a wardrobe:shawls. <strong><a href=«http://www.nextboots.com/ugg-roxy-boots-c-52.html »>ugg roxy boots online</a></strong>Certainly, shawls. <br />
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The shawl is actually a timeless trend staple the fact that never quickly scans the blogosphere of style. . . it only just gets updated regularly and appearance wonderful in a range of settings. You might own some these terrific looking gadgets, including steady and velvety fashions for conventional settings together with soft, usually woven versions for relaxed settings. Keep a fantastic, neutral tinted one and your desk at the office for those when the temps drops. <strong><a href=«http://www.nextboots.com/ugg-classic-argyle-knit-boots-c-7.html »>Argyle Knit Boots stroe</a></strong><br />
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You are invariably wise that you should follow these recommendations when equipment shawl researching:<br />
<br />
. . . If loads of your garmets are vivid and eye-catching, pick certain subdued different shades. <br />
<br />
. . . If loads of your garmets are simple, choose one which includes a pattern. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.nextboots.com/mens-ugg-boots-c-28.html »>Men UGG BOOTS SALE</a></strong><br />
<br />
. . . You have to have one of which goes well using your hair<br />
<br />
. . . One the treatment of anxiety same color choice as the eyes<br />
<br />
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. . . If flowing hair is for a longer period and you′re focused on shedding (or when you′ve got hard-to-control dandruff) take a lighter decorated shawl. <br />
<br />
. . . Remember it will frame in addition to make the face look <br />
great just by reflecting up an effective color on your skin. <br />
<br />
. . . Unless you′re inside of a formal location, don′t don a shawl option same colors as ones outfit; decide on a different coloring. . <br><br><a href=«http://blog.watchtist.com»> Boots blog </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.ipinggolfclub.com»> Boots </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.afforduggboots.com»> About nextboots.com blog </a>
  • 24 марта 2012, 16:06
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<br />
Often women use a lot of these bags to carry anything and everything, some handbags even double as a diaper sacks for on the go moms. Women are actually always trying to find the great accessories and it is not surprising the accessory is often a fancy designer purse. Woman love to match affordable handbags and purses with their outfits and it is always a great way for woman expressing their temperament. <br />
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Woman will look for the perfect bargain in the local department store where they will likely find a huge selection of purses and also handbags and maybe a beneficial clearance stand. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/ »>uggs</a></strong>As women age some people change not to mention evolve and so does their choice of accessories. Many women will become thinking about designer sacks and designer purses, instead associated with regular division store types. <br />
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Some of the most popular plastic bags are those with celebrity faces in it such seeing that Marilyn Monroe and also Elvis. Leather purses are also a treasured of a lot of women, leather is extremely classy and even eye appealing and it is available in a variety of colors. Denim is always a great pick considering that women are able to go simple with this particular style as well as dress it all up together with rhinestones and other purse beautifications. <br />
<br />
Young teenager girls enjoy the small and yet cute back pack and multi-colored bags that they can make any statement with the help of. But most woman search for classy together with highly cool bags that will attract consideration from people without browsing silly our own standing through. Handbags as well as purses are made to appeal towards other partner who may well compliment about the beautiful bag. <strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/ »>uggs sale</a></strong><br />
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Many women will possibly even make their very own purses to show off his or her′s personal perception of fashion. You may use different materials and different designs; it is all about your temperament and what you have to say to the world. So enjoy your purse make it your have. <br />
<br />
Whether you buy it at the local agency store and / or online you can find your favorite hand carrier or back pack anywhere. Pick your style, your color, and your own material; then let the purse convey who you are. Let it work for you and most of all enjoy the particular purse of the dreams due to the fact you′re sure to obtain something in which simply states that, «this is me. » Finding the right hand container or purse for you or a loved one can even be a fun method. <strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/ »>ugg on sale</a></strong>Also, remember which handbags come up with great gifts for that women in addition to girls in your life. A quick, inexpensive in addition to easy technique to give your doorway a number of style and even attitude as well as a warm and welcoming look, is by adding a doormat. The doormat′s key function is to stop dirt sand along with snow as a result of entering the home. There are now a wide range of doormats to enhance and why not invite guests in. Any entrance with a colorful doormat, a humorous one, or your chic and trendy design will give you and ones own guests your welcoming truly feel. A favorable doormat makes a good impression. Take your time when coming to a decision which mat is made for your household. Aside from its usefulness, remember too that a doormat that matches the home can provide your doorway a nice appeal, enhancing the style of your home. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/women-bailey-button-boots-c-6.html »>UGG Boots UK</a></strong><br />
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I. Doormat Buying Guide:<br />
<br />
i. Consider Colouring And Style<br />
<br />
Doormats come in various styles and models; there are humorous models, ones that go with the time, funky models, as very well as careful and vivid designs. Look around your property, evaluate them, and in that case decide which design might be best for your entrance. <br />
<br />
ii. Measure your door clearance<br />
<br />
Door clearance will help you in choosing the right thickness of a doormat. <br />
<br />
iii. Look at how big the the rug<br />
<br />
It must be the appropriate size for the entrance; not too wide or very narrow. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/ugg-adirondack-tall-boots-c-29.html »>UGG AUSTRALIA</a></strong>It needs to be just the right size, not very near to a measure and isn′t going to get in the way of your friends and family members. <br />
<br />
iv. Consider Maitenance Options<br />
<br />
Choose a rug pots the least number of maintenance probable. Several yoga mats have rubberized bristles, pulling down dirt via shoes and can be shaken out while in the yard and vacuumed comfortably. <br />
<br />
v. Materials<br />
<br />
A doormat made of synthetic material will likely be preferred by many, since a doormat made of natural elements, such as rope and also other fibers, retains moisture and is a good breading flooring for mites, molds and fungus. These hazardous free particles can then be accidentally brought on the house. <strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/ugg-roxy-boots-c-52.html »>ugg roxy boots online</a></strong><br />
<br />
vi. Safety<br />
<br />
Try stepping on the rug, and make sure it would not slip, especially if you have toddlers and also aged individuals in your own home; it causes slipping crashes. To avoid it, choose a rug using suction cups at the bottom to retain the rug into position. <br />
<br />
vii. Resilience<br />
<br />
Take into account if a person′s entrance is directly exposed to sun, rain or snow. Do not buy a doormat that can be soaked wet when rainwater comes; instead choose a rug produced from rubber because it has just about all weather properties which enables it to just be wiped arid. Likewise, choose a plain mat if you have a sunny entry means, as direct sunlight tends for you to fade colorations; an metal mat, with decorative designs may be the best choice. <br />
<br />
II. <strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/ugg-classic-short-boots-c-12.html »>UGG Classic Short Boots sale</a></strong>Care And Maitenance:<br />
<br />
- Rubberized and light weight aluminum mats are all weather mats that happen to be stain invulnerable. A part of damp cloth can be used to wipe these people clean. Occasional cleaning with a metal cleaner can certainly help make a person′s mat appear good for the reason that new. <br />
- Rubberized mats using bristles can be vacuumed or hosed all the way down with drinking water then set up an ready position that will dry. <br />
- Yoga mats that are made from natural materials is often washed along with warm soapy the water and left in the sun towards dry; never use bleach. <br />
<br />
III. Mat Styles:<br />
<br />
i. <strong><a href=«http://www.uggsaleday.com/women-bailey-button-boots-c-6.html »>Women′s Bailey Button Boots</a></strong>Personalized Doormats<br />
<br />
These are gaining popularity these days. They appear in a wide variety of colors along with designs that will suit your current fancy. Names in addition to street numbers can be added on to the rug within your choice, as well as they is usually monogrammed reported by your distinct design. <br />
<br />
ii. Cast Aluminum<br />
<br />
These doormats are very durable, weather proof, stain resistant and the easiest to clean up. Aluminum mats come in oval, rectangular in addition to semi-circle models and available in hundreds with designs; can be personalized and comes into play protective powdered coatings with copper, silver, bronze and pewter comes to an end. Being serious, it will not move while stepped with. They lasts for years from the outdoors. <br />
<br />
Rubber doormats<br />
<br />
These are the best possible doormats. They combine functionality, durability plus style. Furthermore, they resist slippage and, it is additionally available in countless designs and styles. This material is easy to clean and easy to maintain. It can last for months out of doors. <br />
<br />
Wooden Doormats<br />
<br />
These are extremely simple, elegant plus stylish. Unfortunately, they can not withstand contact with sun and rain, and unless they have bristles in the individual their ability to scrape dirt along with particles heli-copter flight bottoms of your respective shoes is less than desireable. . <br><br><a href=«http://blog.acheapbagsale.com»> Boots blog </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.mostjewelrystores.com»> Boots </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.firstuggbootssale.org»> About uggsaleday.com blog </a>
  • 24 марта 2012, 23:40
<br><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/ »>Christian Louboutin Heels</a></strong><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/ »>Cheap Louboutin Shoes</a></strong>For many people guys a casual shoe may be like an important boat running shoe, sneakers, or simply flip flops! Most women share our own same thought too truth be told. There is not anything completely wrong with dressed in sneakers, but what we should will be using here can be a step together, not particularly dressy for any lavish dinner along with night out partying but comfortable for dinner and some movie. <br />
<br />
So you see where men of all ages would just simply categorize the tennis shoes, boat sneakers, and flip flops all within one a lot of women ten to put sub different types so we need a better ones, «semi-dressy» laid-back shoe or perhaps designer everyday shoe. By going simply a step higher in style you get yourself a much dressier look which can be are carrying the typical shoe through jeans including a t-shirt. <br />
<br />
It makes ladies feel far better, more assured, and prettier to get seen within the nice set of designer relaxed shoes than in barely average sneakers or sandals. <strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/ »>Discount Christian Louboutin Online</a></strong>It might be rare at the moment to experience a woman to the shops in some uncomfortable firm dress boots and shoes. I typically see women coming from all ages at present wearing custom made casual trainers with from jeans so that you can semi dressy halloween costumes. I think a sizable part with this can be caused by comfort. <br />
<br />
Within all the casual athletic shoe genre you have some below categories readily available. One can go with a shoe having a high heel bone, a channel heel, as well as a low heel which enable it to also pick out wide and / or narrow high heel sandals. The vast, higher heel is basically in at this moment. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/ »>Christian Louboutin Pumps</a></strong>So, for families live for jeans, you can get almost limitless women′s′ unconventional shoe solutions, the options are essentially endless, and the choices available is fun not to mention exciting to visit. <br />
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Don′t wear high heel dress shoes with denims, leave people foot killers with the closet and go with a cool pair of designer relaxed shoes preferably instead, your toes will thanks a lot for it again. If you can be wearing much longer pants pick some casual shoes using a smaller hindfoot. If you can be wearing dirt bike pants or jeans which can be average length or maybe a little limited maybe, wear everyday shoes along with a very smallish heel as well as no hindfoot. <br />
<br />
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The issues High Heeled Shoes and boots Can Cause<br />
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Whilst superior heeled shoes will not be necessarily the danger as long as they are distressed occasionally, consistent use generally is a problem. Wearing individuals for exclusive occasions isn′t going to usually present problems, but while you are wearing those to work, available shopping, and savings around your house, things are able to turn nasty! <br />
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When you wear women′s high heel sandals you understandthat often you a start to actually hurt. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/pumps-christian-louboutin-ankle-boots-sale-c-20.html »>christian louboutin ankle boot sale</a></strong>This is because that they can be permanently within the unnatural place whilst they′re in high heel dress shoes. Not exclusively do your toes start that will hurt, but additional pressure is put on that neck along with the back which is able to cause issues there much too including developing failures of posture. <br />
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When you wear superior heeled shoes for some time, the Posterior muscle group tends for getting shorter. Because of this if you actually ever attempt wearing chiseled shoes, you may have problems. This is because the tendons becoming far too short meant for flat boots. <strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/pumps-christian-louboutin-wedges-sale-c-27.html »>Cheap Christian Louboutin Wedges</a></strong>This is usually repaired after awhile, but having continued by using heels, sixty only gonna become more intense. <br />
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The most prevalent foot problems regarding high heels are blisters, corns in addition to calluses. Calluses usually are overly thickened skin area patches and this can be unsightly. They may be not harmful they can trigger infections. Blisters are exceedingly painful and in addition they can make a while that will heel. Some blisters will be so painful you cannot walk with them at all. <strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/pumps-christian-louboutin-wedges-sale-c-27.html »>Discount Louboutin Wedges</a></strong>These problems are in general caused by lot regarding pressure as well as crowding on the toes. Most excessive heeled athletic shoes have extremely thin soles which you should not help the case either. <br />
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An added painful difficulty which shows up only during women is actually neuroma. It′s a condition which often occurs as soon as the feet happen to be forced in to really small and hone high heeled footwear. The shoes result in pinching any nerve and also tissue after that starts forming surrounding the nerve that may cause serious pain. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/pumps-christian-louboutin-peeptoe-sale-c-23.html »>Discount Christian Louboutin Peep-toe</a></strong>Usually this difficulty occurs during the third or perhaps fourth feet and around rarer cases it could affect the actual soles on the feet. Sometimes if noticeably so excessive, surgery may just be needed to take care of it. <br />
<br />
Some other obvious difficulty that high heel cause is certainly balance. Boots with thin high heel dress shoes, always create a threat to a fall. If you happen to turn a bit and eventually, you may very well be caught away from balance and therefore the result may well be a twisted rearfoot or rather more serious. <br />
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Another problem that can occur will be Haglunds Deformity which unfortunately occurs at the rear of the feet. <strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutin-heels.org/pumps-christian-louboutin-evening-sale-c-21.html »>Cheap Christian Louboutin Evening</a></strong>Usually you will find a bony enlargement over the back with the foot and it also can turn into aggravated. This could certainly cause this bump that they are inflamed, green and agonizing. <br />
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At long last, hammertoe can happen which is defined as the explanation for the feet being pushed with the front with the shoe. This reasons the foot to fold and curl around the middle joint within the toes. <br />
<br />
You can get so several problems connected with wearing higher heeled footwear but gals simply ignore the warnings with regard to cosmetic causes. You do not need to stop sporting heels permanently nevertheless, you should minimize your by using them in order to special situations only. It′s actually not bull crap and in an effort to take caution of the toes, the by using high heels needs to be limited. Always be sure the shoes are classified as the right size for your needs as this will be what creates bigger problems. The shoes you will choose should be comfortable once you try all of them on, though many ladies think that they break the actual shoes in even when they really are uncomfortable first. This is certainly never a wise idea so make certain that they are generally comfortable straight away! <br />
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Overall women wouldn′t stop wearing high heel dress shoes, but for you to look subsequently after their your feet, they ought to only wear them for exceptional occasions. . <br><br><a href=«http://blog.swarovskibracelet.org»> Evening blog </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.likegolfequipment.com»> Evening </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.iwholesalebag.com»> About christianlouboutin-heels.org blog </a>
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13 мая 2014

Знаменитая «Санта-Мария» обнаружена спустя 522 года после своей гибели

«Особая буква»
Обломки легенды
Обломки легенды
13 мая 2014

Если не Асад, то кто?

Виталий КОРЖ,
обозреватель «Особой буквы»
Горе-выборы побежденным
Горе-выборы побежденным
8 мая 2014

Государство берет под контроль Рунет: серверы планируют перенести в РФ, контент — фильтровать

«Особая буква»
Власть расставляет сети для Сети
Власть расставляет сети для Сети
29 апреля 2014