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«Талибан» оказался оперативен на расправу

«Талибан» оказался оперативен на расправу
В афганской провинции Кандагар боевики обстреляли правительственную делегацию, прибывшую для расследования убийства мирных жителей. Накануне талибы выступили с заявлением, пообещав родственникам погибших отомстить за них.

Как сообщает РИА «Новости» со ссылкой на пресс-секретаря губернатора Кандагара Залмая Айюби, инцидент произошел в населенном пункте Боланди, когда члены делегации разговаривали с родственниками погибших. Боевики стали стрелять в сторону прибывшей делегации, охрана открыла ответный огонь. Никто из чиновников не пострадал, одна пуля, выпущенная талибами, попала в местного жителя, сообщил господин Айюби.

По официальной информации афганских властей, массовое убийство мирных жителей было совершено в ночь на 11 марта в двух населенных пунктах района Зангабад уезда Панджваи. Один или несколько американских военнослужащих, покинув свою базу, убили как минимум 16 человек, в том числе женщин и детей. Одиннадцать тел были сожжены.

По версии афганской ячейки движения «Талибан», трагедия явилась результатом спланированного рейда американских и афганских военных. По информации портала «Голос джихада», обнаружено около пятидесяти тел погибших, сожжены несколько домов.

13 марта 2012
  • 13 марта 2012, 16:21
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<h1 id=«productName» class=«productGeneral»>Replica Piaget Altiplano — Altiplano Square G0A32065 watch</h1>

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<li>Model: G0A32065</li>


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<div id=«productDescription» class=«productGeneral biggerText»><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=414 border=1> <TBODY> <TR> <TD borderColor=#000000 align=center bgColor=#0099FF colSpan=2 height=48><strong>Altiplano — Altiplano Square</strong></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD borderColor=#000000 width=137 height=32>Reference:</TD> <TD borderColor=#000000 width=263>G0A32065</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD borderColor=#000000 height=29>Case:</TD> <TD borderColor=#000000>pink gold</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD borderColor=#000000 width=137 height=30>Diameter:</TD> <TD borderColor=#000000 width=263>33x33 mm</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD borderColor=#000000 height=32>Strap:</TD> <TD borderColor=#000000>croco</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD borderColor=#000000 width=137 height=29>Mechanism: <TD borderColor=#000000 width=263>hand-wound</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD borderColor=#000000 height=28>Size:</TD> <TD borderColor=#000000>gent</TD> </TR> </TBODY></TABLE><P><strong>Replica Piaget Altiplano — Altiplano Square G0A32065 watch</strong> There is no secret that Fake Piaget Watches are among the honey watches all over the world. </P><p>We own all kinds of Piaget Replica on our net store.Our Replica Piaget Watches are the greatest quality and most long-lasting replica available — nearly indistinguishable from the real thing.</p><p>Choose one of elegant and classic models, and enjoy every moment in life with our astonishing timekeeper of superior quality at reasonable price.</p></div>

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Over the years, shoes were being invented to shield feet out of your elements, with sharp rocks, hot sands, together with blisters. Shoes were manufactured to be effortless and practicable, with troublesome leather bottoms and straps. <strong><a href=«http://www.theuggsale.org/»>Ugg Boot Clearance</a></strong>As the community became far more sophisticated, any role of shoes moved from storage functionality for you to image developing; shoes were manufactured to add glamour and status in the wearer, for royalty or special dignitaries. <br />
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Shoe designers begun to specialize in the craft involving fashioning shoes with the wealthy; boots or shoes meant more for clearly show than for the purpose of function as well as simplicity. Good shoemakers earned a good reputation and screen printed symbols on the shoes, to make sure that people could recognize the maker of your particular design and style. That was the start of designer shoes. <br />
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So alongside those stiletto heel shoes, pumps, sandals resorts and cute little « booties », it is important to invest in a couple of good, long lasting, comfortable shoes that you can wear when you′ll need to be on you a for a long time. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.theuggsale.org/»>Ugg Australia</a></strong>These varieties of shoes may well also be very high-priced, but Allow me to assure you that those are worth the cost. <br />
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Some favorite makers of designer shoes have already been working towards incorporating comfort and functionality on their shoes, but they are still brands have achieved certain success, but a lot more durable added benefits this has been noted that ladies still look at style along with uniqueness above everything else. Being unique and popular are definitely the ultimate goals and objectives of just about any fashion acutely aware woman, and if this would be the case, designer shoes attempt to meet their demand from customers, which means that the fees for choosing shoes will continue very high. <br />
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So to answer a question as to irrespective of whether designer boots are worth the purchase price, the answer can be described as definite yes, but get smart and select an expensive pair of durable, relaxing, not which means stylish shoes for the days when you′re needing to go mucking about all night!If you love to pay your vacation with the water and you simply are your adventurous type, then wakeboarding is actually the sport for you. This mother board sport is definitely relatively innovative but seems to have gained popularity throughout the last few many years. <strong><a href=«http://www.theuggsale.org/uggs-classic-tall-5802-c-10.html»>UGG BOOTS ONLINE</a></strong><br />
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For wakeboarding, a boat by having a rope tows that rider. The rider rides about the buoyant deck, called some sort of wakeboard, and functions the aftermath to introduce himself up throughout the air then back into your water. Though it may sound uncomplicated, there are a lot of tricks in addition to spins to know one which just master the adventure. <br />
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The requirements for wakeboarding are wakeboards in addition to wakeropes. Wakeboard time-span varies concerning 120 and even 150 centimeters and therefore the wakeboard bigger is concerning 40 not to mention 45 centimeters. <strong><a href=«http://www.theuggsale.org/ugg-ultra-tall-5245-c-30.html»> UGG Outlets Sotres</a></strong>Beginners should start with for a longer time wakeboards through square corners or sq rails. Square-edged boards are usually stable and better to control, though round-edged boards are much easier to land. Through edges also allow message boards to without difficulty gain swiftness, providing more quickly lifts while in air techniques. Krown, Hyperlite, Solution Force and CWB usually are specialized wakeboard brands and its wakeboards price tag between $350 towards $600. <strong><a href=«http://www.theuggsale.org/ugg-sundance-5325-c-21.html»> Discount UGG Shoes</a></strong><br />
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Experienced wakeboard riders also to consider the rockers, fins, bindings and therefore the design on the board. Bindings and also boots make a secure attachment towards boards and should provide a cushty support for any heel along with ankle. <br />
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Wakeboard basics vary in elasticity and even length. The capacity of a wakerope is generally between 50 and 80 feet. There′re one-piece, which doesn′t necessarily allow almost any length variations, or can come with change loops. <strong><a href=«http://www.theuggsale.org/ugg-classic-short-5825-c-12.html»>UGG Classic Short 5825</a></strong>A more tightly and more rigid rope will allow little stretch is used to perform air methods. <br />
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Wake boats nowadays can come with wakeboard podiums. Instead of the rope being attached to the back of your boat, the rope is that come with a podium, which is normally 2-3 meters on the water place. Wakeboard systems allow an easier pull plus stability and as well enable some rider to gain more air height even though performing tricks. <strong><a href=«http://www.theuggsale.org/kids-ugg-boot-c-27.html»>Kid Sheepskin UGG Boot </a></strong>The towers can provide additional house for wakeboard holders, wakeboard people and lights. Fly Great and Skylon are often the more identified wakeboard system manufacturers and the price runs from $900 to much more than $2000. <br />
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