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Контакты Путина с Каддафи проверят на коррупционность

Премьер-министр Ливии Абдельрахим аль-Киб заявил, что контакты российских компаний в Ливии, заключенные при правлении Муаммара Каддафи и прерванные из-за переворота в стране, не будут возобновлены автоматически.

В последние годы перед падением режима ливийского диктатора российские компании заключили многомиллиардные контракты в Ливии в энергетической и оборонной сферах, а также договорились о строительстве объектов инфраструктуры. Резкий рост активности российских компаний в Ливии начался после визита в страну в апреле 2008 года Владимира Путина, который тогда был российским президентом, а сейчас возглавляет правительство РФ. Режиму Каддафи был прощен долг в 4 миллиарда долларов под обещание возобновить заказы, в том числе оружия и военного снаряжения, в России. Кроме того, российские нефтяники выполняли в Ливии ряд контрактов — большие убытки понесли начавшие работу «Газпром нефть» и «Татнефть». При этом никакого смысла в прощении долгов нефтедобывающей стране не было — во время конфликта были заморожены активы ливийского режима на 90 миллиардов долларов, Каддафи явно не был беден.

«Желаем ли мы снова видеть русских в Ливии и того, чтобы они (вместе с нами) работали над проектами? Возможно, да. Если эти контракты не будут служить режиму и не были с ним связаны ранее. Сможем ли мы продлить (российские) контракты? Теоретически да, но только после их изучения и в случае если они соответствуют законодательству и не имеют коррупционной составляющей», — сказал, выступая в Вашингтоне, премьер-министр Ливии.


10 марта 2012
  • 10 марта 2012, 14:28
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Mens Dark Ralph Lauren Lightweight Cashmere Sweater

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<h1 id=«productName» class=«productGeneral»>Mens Dark Ralph Lauren Lightweight Cashmere Sweater</h1>

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<span class=«normalprice»>$128.94 </span>&nbsp;<span class=«productSpecialPrice»>$64.47</span><span class=«productPriceDiscount»><br />Save:&nbsp;50% off</span></span>


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<div id=«productDescription» class=«productGeneral biggerText»><p><p>Our classic long-sleeved crewneck sweater is the epitome of casual style. <br>It′s dsigned in luxurious, lightweight cashmere. <br>It has ribbed crew neckline, cuffs and hem. <br>There is an embroidered pony accents the left chest. <br>Washing Mode: Machine washable. <br>We note that the shirt and tie inside the sweater are not included.</p></p></div>

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<li>Model: Model: Mens-Sweaters-141</li>

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  • 13 марта 2012, 16:20
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There will be full body masks available that can treat your entire skin in addition. These function in similar way being the ones to your face and in addition they can guidance renew the look of your skin layer all more than. It is not possible to achieve this properly in your own home so you will want to have one of those applied by way of a professional. <a href=http://www.personjackets.com/jacket-parka-gloves-canada-goose-down-gloves-c-15_1.html><b>Goose Jackets</b></a>Happily, there are usually many whole service salons that supply this service and is particularly a authentic treat to have done. When an individual schedule by yourself for one example of these be confident to drink a bunch of water previously and after to help remove poisons, help restore lost water, and re-hydrate most people body. Water is critical because just like a cosmetic mask most of these also take off moisture but over a much much larger scale. <br />
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A mans suit stands out as the visiting cartomancy of his personality and will therefore come to be chosen to suit it. <br /><br />Dressing such as gentleman will mean many thingsmixing any tailored fit, with any crisp natural cotton shirt together with a silk tie or established jeans, T-Shirt in addition to a sports jacket can be just as stylish for one weekend clothes. <a href=http://www.personjackets.com/jacket-parka-womens-canada-goose-womens-kensington-parka-c-13_18.html><b>Canada Goose Jacket Chilliwack</b></a><br /><br />But this is of your suit is seen as a set involving clothing composed of trousers together with jacket produced from the similar fabric. So that the end within the 19th Millennium however, a fabulous gentleman used the a tailcoat, frock topcoat or morning hours coat by having a vest associated with a different clothing and trousers in an alternative material. <br /><br />At first of all, the education represent matching coat, vest and even trousers- your suit, was first worn at informal situations. Then during 1930, mens compliments became the particular accepted uniform for office outfit. <br /><br />Today, a fit with generally comes in the form of two chunk suit which includes jacket as well as trousers. <a href=http://www.personjackets.com/jacket-parka-mens-canada-goose-chilliwack-bomber-c-12_22.html><b>Canada Goose Winter Jackets</b></a><br /><br />Smart Casual<br />In all the late 19th century, the exhibiting jacket came straight to fashion. It was eventually most often comprised of tweed, herringbone or simply houndstooch in the form of three control key jacket or even four mouse jacket. 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Men pick out an overcoat which harmonizes by their personal style and ideal matches their choice of suits. <br /><br />Formal Wear<br />In this era, you could look overdressed if you ever wore an important tuxedo check out a restaurant, the cinema or even bar. But choices to use black link do continue to occur as well as their frequency hinges on the encircles you push within. <a href=http://www.personjackets.com/jacket-parka-womens-canada-goose-womens-kensington-parka-c-13_18.html><b>Cheap Canada Goose Outlet</b></a><br /><br />Accessories<br />Style doesn′t necessarily live from clothes on your own. It is definitely the small mild details just like accessories that round over finishing variations. Whether it manifest as a tie, ribbon tie, belt or possibly cuff one way links. 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Thinking of creating your own masterpiece with both the intention in addition to attention an amazing artist will provide her development? <br /><br />Reflecting over the ideas plus manipulating the actual materials over time, the artist begins so that you can clarify any vision and even, as that piece emerges, watches, refining your girlfriend ideas, placing this, removing that, re-doing, until a materials begin to match a vision. <strong><a href=«http://www.surprisewatches.com/replica-longines-watches-la-grande-classique-collection-c-194_202.html »>fake Longines La Grande Classique Collection Watches</a></strong>As soon as the realization of the dream is actually glimpsed, job accelerates, together with joy and even passion have the element to end. Isnt lots of like much of our lives? <br /><br />Few animators receive their own inspiration from endeavoring to fulfill another person elses idea of what the clay, shade, rock, insights, words, garment or hardwood might turn out to be. Imitation within art should be the tool of the student given that the techniques are learned. The genuinely authentic a thing of beauty must come from within this artist, from your techniques and even media, towards reality. <br /><br />Similarly, you simply can′t live a dreams of your parents, the desires to your friends or even the ideas of a different with passion and strength. <br /><br />Great artists keep in mind that their craft is your personal depiction, and is without a doubt, therefore, different. The designer values a medium ready for its potential to express the idea. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.surprisewatches.com/replica-rolex-watches-c-275.html »>fake Rolex Watches</a></strong>The musician and performer works diligently with it-- always keeping the vision because, making small adjustments, figuring out new skills, experimenting--until the vision comes out in defined form and even becomes a great extension within the artist. 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Foster, shows, Quality is without a doubt never an automobile accident; it is the result of high plan, sincere effort, intelligent direction and competent execution; it is all about the wise chosen many other possibilities. <br /><br />You want your lifestyle to end up being of level of quality, filled through wise options. Therefore, process it through high purpose, sincere effort, intelligent direction and competent execution. <strong><a href=«http://www.surprisewatches.com/replica-chanel-watches-j12-chronograph-c-110_114.html »>Replica Chanel J12 Chronograph Watches</a></strong><br /><br />When creating a a thing of beauty, you must be present using it, fully engaged each moment in time, totally absorbed by way of the possibility you are actualizing additionally, the potential you will be exploring. This severe focus is required for anybody who is not that they are distracted through the myriad regarding seductive, and straightforward justify distractions. It is known as a powerful progression uplifting, beautiful, sometimes frustrating, satisfying, together with, most in all, creative. While you′re making an achievement of an item, it s not deliver the results. Its a way of living. <br /><br />Now, whenever by odds, you are usually planning that viewing your wellbeing as a a thing of beauty, or your lofty contribution to the world, is impractical as compared with a factual time-management, goal-oriented, bottom-line process, please think. Every successful business, organization and even corporation offers two different kinds of leaders, visionaries together with administrators. Both must be present. You needs to be both experienced and administrator actually need to run life, to maintain a everyday life of ethics, of wholeness. <br /><br />After most of, would you wish your life in the form of fleeting figure, or your memorable piece of performance craft? <br /><br />By Rhoberta Shaler, PhD <br />www. 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