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В Индии произошло массовое отравление людей химической краской на празднике Холи

235 человек отравились химической краской на фестивале Холи, празднике наступления весны, в городе Мумбаи в Индии. Пострадавшие оказались в основном детьми в возрасте от восьми до десяти лет. Один подросток погиб.

Празднование  Холи знаменует в Индии наступление весны. Главное в празднике Холи — это краски. Согласно традиции, он длится три дня. В первый сжигают чучело противницы богов — злой демоницы Холики, имя которой, собственно, и носит праздник, а второй и третий — это просто дни буйного веселья. Люди стараются поярче разукрасить других, не забыв при этом и себя.

Однако происхождение красок часто сомнительно. Отравившиеся на этот раз химической краской были госпитализированы с головокружением, рвотой, одышкой, сыпью и другими симптомами.

Для расследования инцидента создана правительственная комиссия, которая должна подготовить доклад о его причинах в течение двух недель, пишет Лента.ру.

9 марта 2012
  • 9 марта 2012, 20:30
<strong><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/»>Iron oxide</a></strong><br>
<strong><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/»>Iron oxide</a></strong><br>

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<td align=«center»><table width=«95%» border=«0» cellspacing=«0» cellpadding=«0»>
<td height=«30» align=«left»>Organic pigment — Pigment Red Series</td>
<table width=«95%» border=«0» cellspacing=«0» cellpadding=«0»>
<td><TABLE style=«BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse» border=1 cellSpacing=0
borderColor=#cccccc cellPadding=5 width=«100%»>
<TD width=100 height=«30» bgColor=#f3f3f3><STRONG>Full Color</STRONG></TD>
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<TD bgColor=#f3f3f3 width=160><STRONG>Product Name</STRONG></TD>
<TD bgColor=#f3f3f3 width=160><STRONG>Color Index No.</STRONG>
<TD bgColor=#f3f3f3 width=160><strong>TDS</strong></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/2010413171134734.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317049197.bmp
<TD>Fast Red BBM </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 48:4</TD>
<TD><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=16« target=»_blank«>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317139838.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317148708.bmp
<TD>Lithol Red R </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 49:1</TD>
<TD><a href=»http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=17» target=«_blank»>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317228908.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317234124.bmp
<TD>Lithol Red R-W </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 49:1</TD>
<TD><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=18« target=»_blank«>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317316795.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317324430.bmp
<TD>Lithol Dark Red W </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 49:2</TD>
<TD><a href=»http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=19» target=«_blank»>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/20104131741321.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/20104131748234.bmp
<TD>Bronze Red C </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 53:1</TD>
<TD><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=20« target=»_blank«>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317444217.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041317451181.bmp
<TD>Bronze Red C-P </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 53:1</TD>
<TD><a href=»http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=21» target=«_blank»>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318716722.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318722443.bmp
<TD>Bronze Red C-W </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 53:1</TD>
<TD><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=22« target=»_blank«>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318748499.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318753826.bmp
<TD>Bronze Red C-S </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 53:1</TD>
<TD><a href=»http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=23» target=«_blank»>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318819218.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318826860.bmp
<TD>Rubine 4B </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 57:1</TD>
<TD><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=24« target=»_blank«>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318915133.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318923110.bmp
<TD>Rubine 4B341 </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 57:1</TD>
<TD><a href=»http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=25» target=«_blank»>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318946578.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/201041318952526.bmp
<TD>Rubine BK-S </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 57:1</TD>
<TD><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=26« target=»_blank«>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/2010413181014473.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/2010413181022618.bmp
<TD>Rubine BK-W </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 57:1</TD>
<TD><a href=»http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=27» target=«_blank»>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/2010413181045854.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/2010413181051642.bmp
<TD>Rubine BK </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 57:1</TD>
<TD><a href=«http://www.empigment.com/productsver.asp?id=28« target=»_blank«>TDS DownLoad</a></TD>
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/2010413181119371.bmp
<TD height=40 background=images/products/img/2010413181124706.bmp
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<TD>Pigment Red 57:1</TD>
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<TD>Rubine 8B </TD>
<TD>Pigment Red 57:1</TD>
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<p class=»copyright«>Copyright &copy; 2010 EMPEROR PIGMENT CO.,LTD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. <a href=»http://www.shxin.com« target=»_blank«>Designed by Shxin.com</a> &nbsp; <p><a href=»http://www.empigment.com/«>Solvent dyes</a>&nbsp;<a href=»http://www.empigment.com/">Iron oxide</a></p>

  • 9 марта 2012, 20:33
<br><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/»>christian laboutin</a></strong><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/»>christian louboutin sale</a></strong>There is actually nothing alot more natural to the parent as compared with kissing a good newborn′s light pink little feet and keeping track of its little toes. But should the baby starts to take the its to start with steps, it is far from so effortless know any time its feet are producing normally. <br />
<br />
Authorities that doctors not even take this type of drastic corrective programs when addressing most lower limb disorders. The fact is, many these conditions are not considered problems in the least. «A newborns foot experiences many modifications that are usually not serious, do not require any procedure, and may be normal portions of development, inch says Micheal Goldbearg, L. D. , M. <strong><a href=»http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/«>christian louboutin shoes</a></strong>A. YOUR. P. , Professor plus Chairman connected with orthopedics along at the Tufts College School in Medicine for Boston. <br />
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But the adult footwear has developed from learning to be a protective covering up to learning to be a status ticker, the youngster′s shoe comes with remained in its primary sole-protecting that foot with the hazards for the outside country. Regardless old, a shoe′s chief purpose will be to provide your protective overlaying during cold temperature and hinder injury brought on by stepping with sharp objects outdoors. But as soon as kids are found learning to help you walk, they have plenty connected with shoeless period. Inside your property, socks by using rubberized soles will offer protection without the presense of risk of falling. <strong><a href=»http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/«>christian louboutin online</a></strong>But kids certain times have to leave a safety in their house and then move out of doors, without endangering most of the feet. Consequently, when father and mother are choosing a new oven child′s shoes you must remember to obtain their babies′ in addition to children′s feet measured by a skilled salesperson simply because nobody expects the shoe to slide while the kid is walking or or rub up against the ankle or perhaps toes. »Make of course both legs are measure as you move child is standing! inch adds Doctor. Micheal Goldbearg. <br />
<br />
An up to date survey connected with professionals so, who give suggestions about children′s little feet, including pediatricians, memory foam surgeons, pediatric orthopedics, plus podiatrists, unveiled wide divergence with opinion concerning shoes and even footwear for both natural and problematical feet. In that case, what is actually a parent left to try and do? The primarily rational process of the subject is usually to examine certain traditional ideas within the light for recent scientific tests and experience, so in order to determine should the professional views ought to be upheld and also discarded. <br />
<br />
1. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/»>christian louboutin outlet</a></strong>Shoes are essential to market foot creation:In alternative words regular children′s base need sustain, otherwise they should become ripped. Recent studies often contradict that. Feet deformities for instance bunions in addition to hammer-toes are certainly rare within children who wear virtually no shoes, different to those exactly who do, where these deformities are normally detected. <br />
<br />
couple of. High-top shoes are essential to guidance the ankle as being the child took its first guidelines:Well-meaning nonetheless misinformed relations often perpetrate this particular myth. Studies indicate that any time a child is strong more than enough to perservere and hike, he are going to have ankles powerful enough with supporting his body. <br />
<br />
3. Trainers, if put on for beyond one or two hours a day, are dangerous to children:This is usually a widely presented belief within consumers combined with professionals. <strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/christian-louboutin-pumps-c-1224.html»>Discount Christian Louboutin Pumps</a></strong>There is no evidence which will normal feet change into flatfeet if athletic shoes rather consequently hi-top and / or leather shoes are utilized. <br />
<br />
five. Shoe agents are proficient to name foot problems and encourage remedial trainer war for the purpose of children:This is certainly totally invalid. Most footwear salesmen can be well intentioned and aspire to sell you some of the most comfortable shoes they′re able to find. However are not really trained to grant advice regarding foot challenges. Responsible sellers should imply to parents that the youngster should experience a doctor, if its feet you should never appear most suitable. <br />
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5. <strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/christian-louboutin-sale-c-1306.html»>christian louboutin replica</a></strong>The asking price of Shoes:The asking price of shoes is sometimes related to you need to material put into use. Leather is a most costly, especially in the event it intended for both uppers and even soles. Since leather-based allows your toes to «breathe» on the shoes it contributes greatly avoid sebaceous accumulation together with skin annoyance. But at the same time leather uppers usually are desirable, leather soles are usually not necessary and that can be replaced instead by silicone or crepe feet. <br />
<br />
6. The Soles of your Shoes:The soles of your shoes regardless of whether leather and rubber, really should be thick enough to defend, yet workable enough intended for walking. Also, it is important to check the bottom on the soles to find out depth for the grooves. The more complete the grooves more suitable the non-skid. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.christianlouboutinpage.com/christian-louboutin-shoes-c-1305.html»>cheap christian louboutin shoes
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