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В Белоруссии возросла смертность от алкоголя

В Белоруссии в 2011 году смертность от причин, связанных с алкоголем, выросла на 49 процентов в сравнении с 2010 годом. Об этом сообщил 24 февраля главный нарколог Министерства здравоохранения Сергей Осипчик.

Осипчик подчеркнул, что употребление алкоголя и злоупотребление им оказывают влияние на смертность среди больных онкологическими и кардиологическими заболеваниями.

Количество пациентов, наблюдаемых наркологической службой Белоруссии, за 2011 год увеличилось на 0,5 процента и составило 286 310 человек (среди них больных алкоголизмом 178 608 человек).

Осипчик отметил, что в Белоруссии наблюдается тенденция увеличения числа женщин, состоящих на учете у наркологов, свойственная большинству стран Европы, передает «Хартия-97».

24 февраля 2012
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<h1 id=«productName» class=«productGeneral»>Tiffany Jewelry Cufflinks Cross Shaped Fine Silver Box</h1>

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<span class=«normalprice»>$78.96 </span>&nbsp;<span class=«productSpecialPrice»>$44.59</span><span class=«productPriceDiscount»><br />Save:&nbsp;44% off</span></h2>

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<p><strong>Product brand</strong>: Tiffany &amp; Co. — Tiffany always leads the world′s fashion, perhaps this is the reason why people are obsessed with her.<br> <strong>Style</strong>: Euramerican</p><p>Novelty and uniquely shaped <strong>Tiffany Jewelry Cufflinks Cross Shaped Fine Silver Box</strong> are entertaining and eye catching. If you are shopping for a fantastic gift, consider wrapping up <strong>Tiffany cufflinks</strong> with a matching necklace or bracelet. If you think this item is not suitable for your style, you can also view this <strong>Tiffany Jewelry Cufflinks Exquisite Diamond Square</strong>. Of course, we offer our honorable customers a variety of kinds, such as bracelets, accessories, sets and necklaces. </p><p><strong>Shipping</strong>: We ship items in our <strong>Tiffany jewelry</strong> to all over the world. No matter how many quantity tiffany products you purchased per transaction, just free shipping. All the products you ordered will be shipped out in 2 business days after payment goes through. And it usually needs 5-7 days for delivery. </p><p><strong>Payment</strong>: You can pay the order with your credit card. 100% secure online payment system. </p><p><strong>Why Choose Us</strong>: Fast delivery. All of our tiffany and co outlet are in stock and will be despatched within 48 hours; First class customer service.</p></div>

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Another option may be to shop over the internet. No matter what sort of shoes you need, you will get it on the internet — with your size. <strong><a href=«http://www.linkchristianlouboutinboots.com/christian-louboutin-boots-c-1222.html »>Cheap Louboutin Boots</a></strong>You can discover the color you need too. Type what you need into any browser′s search engine search box to see what appears! What you need is literally on the market in cyber area, just needing you. Just one drawback connected with ordering shoes online is for which you cannot look at them relating to first. That′s why, it is significant to verify the alternate, refund, and bring back policy of this Internet boot store you′re up to business along with — before building a purchase! <br />
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You will be pleasantly surprised on the large selection of shoes — with your size — you will have accessible to you when you decide to do business either in a small trainer shop or maybe online. <strong><a href=«http://www.linkchristianlouboutinboots.com/christian-louboutin-platform-c-1182.html »>cheap louboutin platform</a></strong>The reality is, you will probably can get styles along with designs that women with small feet can not find inside their chain footwear stores at which nobody seems interested in waiting with them or supporting them discover what they are searhing for! <br />
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As a result, if you will need large size womens shoes or boots, you can bet your local chain shoe shop or discounted store would not carry typically the styles which you want in the size. You will work better by ordering the actual shoes which you want from the internet, or on a small for your dui owned shoe store. A lot of these chain retailers and cut price stores depart you no choice, and simply drove one to this from the outset — 100 % take your online business away from them — purchase the rest of one′s family′s boots and shoes either on the internet or within that equivalent small non-public shoe shop as well!«I even so have my feet on a lawn, I basically wear more effective shoes. » Who else still Oprah may have said this gem? Considering that the beginning women shoes contain reflected everything concerning women who put them on — layout, status, cosmetic taste, and poise only some among him or her. <strong><a href=«http://www.linkchristianlouboutinboots.com/christian-louboutin-mens-c-1240.html »>discount christian louboutin mens</a></strong>Women need worn shoes for many different practical along with stylistic factors, but in the long run it′s a manifestation of why is a lady feel beneficial, and what makes her sense she is visually good way too! <br />
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Searching for womens shoes is furthermore a well known pastime as well as stress reliever. In reality, some women are generally so taken when using the passion intended for buying boots or shoes for themselves that they′ll build over-all collections out of their purchase. Former Filipino First Lover Imelda Marcos is probably the most commonly known among history′s visible «shoe-philes. » Reaction to allegations that he has over three or more thousand pairs of shoes and boots in your girlfriend posession, the lady responded utilizing dignity befitting a good queen:«I failed to have a couple of thousand twos of boots. <br><strong><a href=»http://www.linkchristianlouboutinboots.com/christian-louboutin-discount-c-1308.html «>christian louboutin discount</a></strong>I had 1000 and 59. »<br />
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It′s not enough to own plenty of shoes — unique who knows the quality of a great fashion footwear has your discerning eye as well as a modern sensibility. One and large number of flattering words to describe such unique would get «cosmopolitan. » Women everywhere in the world really enjoy shoes, either to get for themselves and to receive simply because gifts. <strong><a href=«http://www.linkchristianlouboutinboots.com/christian-louboutin-bridal-c-1309.html »>christian louboutin bridal</a></strong>And knowing just what shoes that will wear through which ensemble, to meet which affair, is a good sure mark from a true woman within the world. <br />
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Women what person love shoes is found anywhere, with any years. But any truly discerning «artiste» within shoe-loving adult females are uncommon. Perhaps they could even be figured in one in any million — so when you′ve found such a one, it really is only fair for which you recognize him / her uniqueness. She′s got the skills and also bearing of a true aesthete. <br />
<br />
Alternatively, the boyfriend who is aware of how to pick out shoes intended for his lady is one in a million. The boyfriend who is aware of how to pick out his UNIQUE shoes meant for style in addition to comfort may be rare plenty of; very small number of men appreciate the requirement to take one′s amount of time in putting alongside one another an eye-catching, image-defining attire. Quite a handful of men would settle for the most inexpensive or the majority impressively brand or beloved pairs connected with shoes without having taking layout, fashion as well as other factors note. But you will want all this know-how so that you can buy an exceedingly great set of two womens trainers!.
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There ought to be a opening below where matted close appeared to be. Cover it completely along with split newspapers saturated inside papers mache goop. Now take care of your entire part once, getting a minute level. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.roll-forming.cn/ »>cut to length line</a></strong> Help free of moisture.

Relationship covers all the cardboard heavens using old fashioned paper mache. Make it possible for waterless. <strong><a href=«http://www.roll-forming.cn/ »>slitting line</a></strong> Recurring on the opposite side.

Together with hiding mp3, spot your own snowboards on the bottom within the «egg»and pieces of paper mache across video, linking typically the snowboard into the body. Enable arid. ( hint: amount all of the «egg» inside-out for an aged, drained gourmet coffee can to accomplish this, that′s a lot simpler)

Around 2« out of your sharp idea for the skewer,stick the idea through the entire target of just one of this cardboard boxes rings, attach with a lot of record. <br><strong><a href=»http://www.roll-forming.cn/ «>forming machine</a></strong> Conventional paper mache the whole thing. (rule: implement very small items of paper). Make dried. <br><strong><a href=»http://www.roll-forming.cn/ «>pipe welding line</a></strong> Repeat on the other guitar skewer. Those are the skiing poles.

Coloring the full »egg« with white colored gas shade. Enable dry looking. <strong><a href=»http://www.roll-forming.cn/ «>pipe welding line</a></strong>

Next, acquire any marker and also make a strong square pertaining to your partner′s skin and stomach fat.

Providing the oblong white colored, coloration your other »egg« through dark colored acrylic shade. Now let dry looking. <strong><a href=»http://www.roll-forming.cn/ «>pipe welding line</a></strong> Colour any groups in the snow poles the white kind of. Just let dried up.

Waters all the way down your own red polymer fresh paint together with fresh paint any skis (them) not to mention skiing two poles. <br><strong><a href=»http://www.roll-forming.cn/ «>forming machine</a></strong> Let dry and fresh.

Position the snowboarding two poles and stuff within insert.

Attach on your eyeballs (mean graphic).

Glue the fabric hose on top of the the top of »egg«, un-hemmed section all the way down. <strong><a href=»http://www.roll-forming.cn/ «>cut to length line</a></strong> Just let waterless. Neck tie around. 3» as a result of sprained ankle treatment by way of string or perhaps guitar string. Paste boa, enjoyment pelt and also garland close to for the purpose of border intended for cap (talk about pic).

Help to make 2 triangles right from apple poster panel meant for beak. Mentioning shot function along with fasten right into put (rule:to some extent crease lower part for pie not to mention glue the fact that).

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