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Ради сегодняшнего митинга в Москве частично перекрывают движение

Такое решение приняли власти города. Они ограничат передвижение автомобилей в районе проспекта Сахарова, где в 14.00 должна начаться манифестация «За честные выборы».


Проспект от Садово-Спасской до Каланчевской улицы закрыли для машин с часа ночи и до окончания акции. В 12.00 и также до завершения митинга будет отменено движение на улице Каланчевская от Садово-Спасской улицы до дома 21, корпус 40.

Именно со стороны Каланчевской можно будет пройти к месту проведения митинга, для чего там устанавливают 49 рамок металлоискателей. Запланированное время акции — с 14.00 до 16.00. Согласованное с властями число участников — до 50 тысяч человек. Об этом сообщило РИА «Новости».

Напомним, митинг 10 декабря на Болотной площади в Москве против фальсификации выборов в Госдуму в пользу ЕР собрал, по разным оценкам, до 100 тысяч человек.

24 декабря 2011
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<option value=»132«>Malta</option>
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<option value=»134«>Martinique</option>
<option value=»135«>Mauritania</option>
<option value=»136«>Mauritius</option>
<option value=»137«>Mayotte</option>
<option value=»138«>Mexico</option>
<option value=»139«>Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
<option value=»140«>Moldova</option>
<option value=»141«>Monaco</option>
<option value=»142«>Mongolia</option>
<option value=»143«>Montserrat</option>
<option value=»144«>Morocco</option>
<option value=»145«>Mozambique</option>
<option value=»146«>Myanmar</option>
<option value=»147«>Namibia</option>
<option value=»148«>Nauru</option>
<option value=»149«>Nepal</option>
<option value=»150«>Netherlands</option>
<option value=»151«>Netherlands Antilles</option>
<option value=»152«>New Caledonia</option>
<option value=»153«>New Zealand</option>
<option value=»154«>Nicaragua</option>
<option value=»155«>Niger</option>
<option value=»156«>Nigeria</option>
<option value=»157«>Niue</option>
<option value=»158«>Norfolk Island</option>
<option value=»159«>Northern Mariana Islands</option>
<option value=»160«>Norway</option>
<option value=»161«>Oman</option>
<option value=»162«>Pakistan</option>
<option value=»163«>Palau</option>
<option value=»164«>Panama</option>
<option value=»165«>Papua New Guinea</option>
<option value=»166«>Paraguay</option>
<option value=»167«>Peru</option>
<option value=»168«>Philippines</option>
<option value=»169«>Pitcairn</option>
<option value=»170«>Poland</option>
<option value=»171«>Portugal</option>
<option value=»172«>Puerto Rico</option>
<option value=»173«>Qatar</option>
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<option value=»175«>Romania</option>
<option value=»176«>Russian Federation</option>
<option value=»177«>Rwanda</option>
<option value=»178«>Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
<option value=»179«>Saint Lucia</option>
<option value=»180«>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
<option value=»181«>Samoa</option>
<option value=»182«>San Marino</option>
<option value=»183«>Sao Tome and Principe</option>
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<option value=»236«>Serbia</option>
<option value=»186«>Seychelles</option>
<option value=»187«>Sierra Leone</option>
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<option value=»190«>Slovenia</option>
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<option value=»197«>St. Helena</option>
<option value=»198«>St. Pierre and Miquelon</option>
<option value=»199«>Sudan</option>
<option value=»200«>Suriname</option>
<option value=»201«>Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands</option>
<option value=»202«>Swaziland</option>
<option value=»203«>Sweden</option>
<option value=»204«>Switzerland</option>
<option value=»205«>Syrian Arab Republic</option>
<option value=»206«>Taiwan</option>
<option value=»207«>Tajikistan</option>
<option value=»208«>Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
<option value=»209«>Thailand</option>
<option value=»61«>Timor-Leste</option>
<option value=»210«>Togo</option>
<option value=»211«>Tokelau</option>
<option value=»212«>Tonga</option>
<option value=»213«>Trinidad and Tobago</option>
<option value=»214«>Tunisia</option>
<option value=»215«>Turkey</option>
<option value=»216«>Turkmenistan</option>
<option value=»217«>Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
<option value=»218«>Tuvalu</option>
<option value=»219«>Uganda</option>
<option value=»220«>Ukraine</option>
<option value=»221«>United Arab Emirates</option>
<option value=»223«>United States</option>
<option value=»224«>United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
<option value=»225«>Uruguay</option>
<option value=»226«>Uzbekistan</option>
<option value=»227«>Vanuatu</option>
<option value=»228«>Vatican City State (Holy See)</option>
<option value=»229«>Venezuela</option>
<option value=»230«>Viet Nam</option>
<option value=»231«>Virgin Islands (British)</option>
<option value=»232«>Virgin Islands (U.S.)</option>
<option value=»233«>Wallis and Futuna Islands</option>
<option value=»234«>Western Sahara</option>
<option value=»235«>Yemen</option>
<option value=»238«>Zambia</option>
<option value=»239«>Zimbabwe</option>

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A different important concern is clarity, which means the amount and sort of flaws which might be found in the diamond. Sad to say, clarity can be quite difficult to guage accurately, as a general rule flaws are simply visible under a microscope. You can ask several jewelers to point out the flaws in several stones, having a microscope, and soon you can judge for your own use. However, since the majority of people will be admiring the diamond using naked eyesight, you can usually reject loose minimize diamonds with flaws which have been clearly exposed, and definitely not worry a rediculous amount of about incredibly small flaws. <br />
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Diamonds come in several colors, nevertheless for a regular, non-colored diamonds, the clearer the higher quality. <strong><a href=«http://www.everytiffany.com/tiffany-rings-c-16.html»>tiffany rings on sale</a></strong>Although you can be purchasing shed cut diamonds, it is good with an idea about medicare supplement setting you will possess your precious stones in. When you plan with mounting the stones inside white-gold or perhaps platinum, the whiter diamonds will likely be much more potent. Yellow materials, like your old watches, will be a whole lot more forgiving to more with yellow-colored gemstones. <br />
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The cut on your loose diamonds is probably an important consideration. This cut will certainly determine, into a large magnitude, the brilliance of this diamonds, and as well suggest the best quality diamond setting. A excellent cut usually has triangular features that encompass the gemstone, leading to what exactly is flat top, or categorised as a dining room table. These vary from the more traditional emerald green or stage cuts, but provide you with the shiniest precious gems available. <br />
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