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Мошенники — продавцы лжелекарств задержаны в Москве

Мошенники — продавцы лжелекарств задержаны в Москве
Столичная полиция задержала семерых мошенников, которые подозреваются в продаже физраствора под видом лекарства пенсионерам.


В ГУ МВД сообщили, что, по оперативной информации, злоумышленники по телефонной базе данных выбирали пенсионеров преимущественно 70—80 лет. Представляясь сотрудниками социальных служб, аферисты звонили им и выясняли, к каким врачам в последнее время обращались пожилые люди. Через некоторое время пенсионерам звонил якобы врач и сообщал, что его анализы «очень плохие» и он серьезно болен, после чего мошенники предлагали им приобрести «лекарство с уникальными свойствами», являющееся якобы единственным шансом поправить его здоровье. Тогда старики отдавали все свои сбережения, получая взамен бутылочки с обыкновенным физическим раствором.

Против задержанных возбуждено уголовное дело.


14 декабря 2011
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<h1 id=«productName» class=«productGeneral»>Tiffany Pendants Jewelry Flower Key Silver Pendant</h1>

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<span class=«normalprice»>$109.65 </span>&nbsp;<span class=«productSpecialPrice»>$51.96</span><span class=«productPriceDiscount»><br />Save:&nbsp;53% off</span></h2>

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<p>It is well known about that <strong>Tiffany pendants</strong> are some of the most exquisite jewelry pieces on the face of the earth. Incredibly elegant and pleasing to the eyes, a silver pendant encompasses a charm that few others can match. While our <strong>Tiffany and co outlet</strong> store offer you some pendants with high quality and exquisite design, such as <strong>Tiffany Pendants Jewelry Flower Key Silver Pendant</strong>. Or you can view this simple pendant <strong>Tiffany Pendants Jewelry Key Circle Silver</strong>. </p><p><strong>Our tenet</strong>: Client is the god, faith is the first, and quality is supreme. No matter what kind you need, please feel free to contact us since we will always try our best to meet all your demands. Welcome to order our products.</p><p><strong>Shipping</strong>: We ship items in our Tiffany jewelry to all over the world. No matter how many quantity tiffany products you purchased per transaction, just free shipping. All the products you ordered will be shipped out in 2 business days after payment goes through. And it usually needs 5-7 days for delivery. </p><p><strong>Payment</strong>: You can pay the order with your credit card. 100% secure online payment system. </p><p><strong>Why Choose Us</strong>: Fast delivery. All of our tiffany and co outlet are in stock and will be despatched within 48 hours; First class customer service.</p></div>

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<br><strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/»>Wedding Dresses</a></strong><strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/»>Wedding Gowns</a></strong>Okay to ensure you have ordered the local hall or registry home office, booked all the venue, found the best wedding costume, sorted this invitations and also bridesmaids dresses so next? What categories of flowers would you like to have? <br />
What considering prepared to spend the flowers? As it′s well known real flowers can be costly on a florist. First came across consider medicare supplement wedding it will be, if is it doesn′t traditional the white kind of wedding then there′s a lot of types with flowers you can consider. <br />
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What would you like to decorate together with flowers? Any Church?, receptions?, buttonholes? Corsage? And perhaps even that cake. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/»>Bride Dresses</a></strong><br />
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The period needs to get considered even as genuine flowers undoubtedly only prosper at peak times of 2010 although together with imports a number this will be addressed. The color might also want to be considered in order that the types from flowers we all choose blends aided by the wedding garment and bridesmaids outfits. <br />
<br />
Should it be a spring wedding there are a number types about flowers that any of us can select, tulips consist of many colorings and develop, daffodils at all times look as a result cheerful along with sunny especially as family table decorations. Roses are specifically delightful simply because they come in a great number of colors so you have typically the added extra of exquisite scent. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/»>Bridesmaids Dresses</a></strong><br />
<br />
Another option for those types regarding flowers you use may be silk flowers which are usually so realistic which you can not show the difference from the real kinds, these consist of all sizing′s, shapes and additionally colors while obviously certainly no scent. <br />
<br />
The cost of such is not much different to real a flower bouquet but together with the vast array apparently in stores you can probably cut the fee by pc few at a stretch in different places. The benefits for using these sorts of flowers is that they may be picked and ordered before the wedding without a problem of the flowers wilting. <br />
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With these sorts of flowers you can get whatever you choose as they′ve been not in season unlike genuine flowers. <strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/»>Evening Dresses</a></strong>They are used for the purpose of decorating that tables along with the wedding wedding cake as they don′t spoil or perhaps mark your cake, or simply drop pollen. The added advantage with these sorts of flowers is that they may be kept once the wedding to be able to serve to be a reminder in the perfect day. <br />
<br />
Now you may also but freeze dries flowers that is absolutely an alternative for scattering above the tables or perhaps the cake with the reception physical place. So for every choose there may be plenty around and a blend of the different types is always available. <strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/satin-wedding-dresses-c-8.html»>Designer Statin Dresses</a></strong>In order to be a successful future husband, your prime responsibility would be to provide support to the bride. Your golden rule is:JANE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. But don′t overlook the other substantial responsibility:INCOME! <br />
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About two months before the wedding, I was initially feeling great about fulfilling all my duties as a groom. And then it dawned on me:there should be something else I need to do? I consulted a number of etiquette courses and experienced that my own work experienced just began (and I′d to find some dough quick). <br><strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/mermaid-wedding-dresses-c-2.html»>Lace Mermaid Wedding Dresses</a></strong><br />
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We are writing this short article to sum it up what I stumbled upon. When you are reading it list, make sure you remember one matter:every wedding differs from the others. It is really dependent over the beliefs about yours including your bride′s mom and dad. <strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/organza-wedding-dresses-c-7.html»>Organza Wedding Dresses</a></strong>If they′re more practical, then adhere to these policies more accurately. Otherwise, just question them what they need to do. In relation to monetary responsibilities, all sorts of arrangements are made. <br />
<br />
Consequently without further ado, this is my listing of «The Groom′s Personal Responsibilities:»<br />
<br />
1) Bride′s Rings (Engagement in addition to Wedding) — I′m hoping you definitely figured that one out! <br />
<br />
2) Groom′s gift on the bride :I may not skimp about this one. <strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/organza-wedding-dresses-c-7.html»>Organza Wedding Dress</a></strong>I sent her the following gift AFTER each of the wedding festivities whenever we got here we are at our lodging. This is something which will always and forever remind the girl′s of him / her wedding and also her wedding ceremony night. <br />
<br />
3) Gifts and boutonnieres to the groom′s family and friends — a well known gift is definitely cuff inbound links. <br />
<br />
4) Accommodations to the groom′s attendants — oops, I do think my perfect man taken care of his private room! <br />
<br />
5) Places to stay and Transportation for groom′s parents<br />
<br />
6) Bride′s aroma — she picks it all, you pay it off! <br />
<br />
7) Corsages pertaining to immediate family members<br />
<br />
8) Minister′s travelling, lodging, and payments — this was really a surprise to my opinion. <strong><a href=«http://www.highdress.com/mother-of-bride-c-21.html»>mother of the bride</a></strong>I had no suggestion! <br />
<br />
9) Marriage License service charge — definitely one not so that you can forget. <br />
<br />
10) Travelling for groom and perfect man to help you wedding<br />
<br />
11) MOST honeymoon expenses (Ouch! ) — this really is where you may be hardest arrive at, but much like the bride′s gift, it will create durable memories. Don′t skimp for this one also. <br />
<br />
12) Most rehearsal dinner expenses<br />
<br />
Currently, many expenses are increasingly being shared not to mention split in different ways. Just own open contact with both bride′s and also the groom′s individuals and everything should be just great. <br />
<br />
All the best . , and keep in mind the older rule:JANE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. . <br><br><a href=«http://blog.selectregistry.com»> Other About Dresses blog </a><br><br><a href=«http://www.spotlight.com.au/inspiration/blog/posts/sylviepaulette/»> Dresses </a><br><br><a href=«http://www.paddb.com/MyProfile.aspx»> About highdress.com blog </a>
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